Meet The Team

Dr. Jacalyn Sherriton is the President and Founder of Corporate Management Developers, Inc. and Health Management Consultants, Inc. Offices: Hollywood, Florida; Reston, Virginia; Washington, D.C. She founded the companies over 35 years ago, and was a pioneer in the organization development field. ​ Areas of specialization:  Her companies specialize in: Creating new or changing corporate cultures toward targeted objectives such as teamwork, service and high performance; Merging corporate cultures and preventing or mitigating culture clash; and Building high performance teams, such as executive, organizational, interdivisional or project teams. Jacky provides consulting, problem solving, strategizing and executive coaching/development in these arenas and helps senior leaders adjust and lead in the current dynamic business environment. She provides both a strategic and tactical perspective in addressing organization challenges. She brings a depth and breadth of perspective gained over many years, working with diverse industries, executives and Fortune 500 companies on their numerous challenges. Dr. Sherriton’s practical and results oriented approach, use of proven frameworks and her ability to relate to senior leaders, create a credible platform for stimulating and facilitating change . Prior experience:  Dr. Sherriton developed and implemented one of the first team training programs in the field of dental medicine at Harvard and coordinated the first national resource center on the subject.  Achievements:  Dr. Sherriton received the degrees of Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude, from the State University of New York at Buffalo; Master of Education from Boston University; and Doctor of Science from Harvard University. Her awards and honors include: Outstanding Young Woman of America; Who’s Who in the Southeast; Successful Women in Florida; and a Doctoral Fellowship from Harvard University. She and Jim Stern’s published book Corporate Culture/Team Culture and firm have received national acclaim on CNBC, USA Today and the NY Times, to name a few. Their book has also been translated and distributed in China. Jacky is also a contributing author to the recently published book Real World Teambuilding Strategies That Work3.

Mr. Jim Stern is Vice President for the national consulting firms Corporate Management Developers, Inc. and Health Management Consultants, Inc. Areas of specialization: Jim is a recognized expert in the Organization Development arena where he specializes in changing and merging organization/corporate cultures, managing organization change, team building, executive coaching, resolving conflict, and facilitating executive teams in resolving large scale organizational issues.  Jim’s experience, gained over 40 years working with diverse industries, clients, and executives, has made him a specialist in creating, changing and merging “corporate cultures”. He is also recognized for his expertise in assisting and building high performance executive, organizational and project teams.  Jim is sought after as an executive, one-on-one coach. He works with senior and mid-level executives in providing a structured, practical, results-oriented approach to the coaching experience.  In addition to his expertise in the behavioral aspects of OD, Jim has in-depth experience in organizational structure issues. He has led OD efforts in productivity improvement, “right sizing,” and reorganization/realignment efforts in large organizations. Prior experience:  He has managed an internal consulting and training group in a large financial organization. He spent five years with the U.S. Air Force’s Leadership and Management Development Center, a part of the Air University where he became an expert in survey-guided organization development (OD) interventions. Jim has extensive experience as a line-manager and has been successful in management positions ranging from the first-line supervisory level to the executive level. Achievements:  Jim holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and a Master of Science degree in Personnel Management. He has completed all course work in the Human Resources Development Doctoral Program at George Washington University. Jim holds active memberships in the American Society for Training and Development, OD Network and the Capital Network for Organizational Effectiveness (CANOE). He has authored numerous articles and coauthored the books Corporate Culture/Team Culture and Real World Teambuilding Strategies That Work, and has been featured in USA Today, Entrepreneur, INC., Fortune, on NPR and in other national media.